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Nicholl McGuire

Operating on Fumes? Feed Off of Others People's Energy

March 29 2013, 08:41am

Posted by Nicholl

Tired, angry, bored, bitter, mad at the awful world and everyone in it, huh?  Well, no need to stay in that frame of mind unless of course you know how to redirect your attention on what is fueling your fire and then churn all of your emotions and tasks into one big burst of positivity!

Sounds difficult?  Not exactly.  After spending some time in the presence of a doctor who had worked from sun up to sun down dealing with babies, toddlers and children, I learned what kept a smile, some patience, and a positive spirit on him (besides prayer and having a personal faith) and that was the energy of others.  He chose to focus on what others were going through and turn their energy into something positive for himself.  He was charged on every story, emotion, and action of others.  As a result, he was like the energizer rabbit he kept going and going and going...

Some of us could use that "peace that surpasses all understanding," as the Bible puts it, in our own lives.  Despite all the drama that is going on in and around us, we can use others' story-telling, reactions, and actions to be the best that we possible can!  Like the optimistic doctor, we too can feed off of the good, bad and ugly and create something beneficial for ourselves. 

When I think of the great prophet/teacher/friend/son of God, Jesus, I think of how He took on all of our negativity and made it something great, not only for his self, but for the world and the heavens above!

To God be the glory!

Nicholl McGuire
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