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Nicholl McGuire

My Thoughts on Love this Valentine's Day

February 3 2014, 13:06pm

Posted by Nicholl

I thought of my book, "Laboring to Love Myself" and how appropriate to call attention to it to those who are starved of love this Valentine's Day.  Why does one feel so overwhelmed with just living? 

For I have learned, that one is void of love.  No love coming and no love going.  Repeated rejection over one's years produces no love for self or others.  "What do I care?  I care about no one?  No one cares about me..." says the loveless. 

No action produces no reaction.  If I show no love to others it isn't any wonder that I have not love.  If my love is not received, then it is my responsibility to find someone or group who will sincerely love me.  I hope that this Valentines Day you will reflect on what it truly means to love beyond a simple token of appreciation.

Nicholl McGuire author of Laboring to Love Myself

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