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Nicholl McGuire

Dangerous Thinking

July 22 2010, 12:23pm

Posted by Nicholl

To expound upon my point of "thinking can be dangerous especially when it affects the lives of others" from the last blog post, on a broader scale I have to talk about our government.

Now usually I will shy away from talking about those in leadership, there is a scripture in the Bible (Romans 13) that keeps most believers' mouths under control. But I have to step outside the religious dogma and just say, "I am not a mind-controlled slave" and neither should you be. What do I mean? I mean the kind of person who will not do the following: question anything, challenge authority on lies, take a stand (go along just to get along,) and fight distractions or fleshly temptations that are designed to get him or her to not think. The mind controlled slave says things like, "Your crazy, I don't believe it. Stop reading so much. Don't you have something better to do besides think. I don't worry about anything. I never thought of that." It's one thing to be a slave to your job (you need to pay bills,) but it's quite another thing to allow your master to enslave your mind too!

I watch the television commercials, see the banner ads, go to the mailbox and see advertisements everywhere telling me, "Buy my product!" Even when you attend church, there is someone asking you for money. So I started paying more attention to what my government has been asking of me lately, "Serve me!" is the message I see. There is an old agenda being repackaged again and again wanting all of us to do more for government (the elite foreigners.)

President Obama's change message during his presidential campaign was nothing more than a celebrity endorsement for New World Order products. We were being set up for what is to come: volunteering for government testing, spying, fighting, recruiting, investing and more! Your time will not be your own before long. As for your money, it was never yours because by the time your thought process was manipulated by the media or bullied by self-serving groups, you gave it away to pay for yet another over-hyped and overpriced good!

Now I am all for helping out my government (I was indoctrinated many years ago with the patriotic gospel thanks to my deceased aunt's affiliations and the many guys in my family that served in the U.S. military,) but what's in it for me? I mean what will our government give my family and I besides everything we didn't ask for? We want money to buy and maintain a quality house that comes with a backyard within walking distance from a town in a nice school district. We need the financing to go into business for ourselves. We want what those who went before us got -- an American dream! We have been Americans for centuries, yet what do we get, a form to fill out at the welfare office when no one is hiring. It doesn't matter that my families blood, sweat and tears, just like yours, help build this nation! But yet, I am accused of being prejudice when someone who can barely speak English gets special privileges.

The wind of change has been blowing for some time now whistling, "Order out of chaos!" But is that what our government really wants? I mean from my vantage point I see what the old school folks have been telling me for years, "The rich is only getting richer!" A voice in the back of my mind screams, "Fight the power!" How can you fight something without the numbers or the money? That kind of thinking I know falls into the elitists' trap. They want you to feel powerless. Day and night they write legislation that is so long no man could read it all especially in a span of a few hours before voting on it. They push for their causes deceptively or in plain site while most of the dumbed-down populace laughs at a movie while seated on their comfy sofa eating popcorn.

I don't know about you, but I am starting to feel like we are indeed moving toward the end of some comfortable once good ole' day times of the red, white and blue into something dark and sinister designed to wipe the middle class and the impoverished good and bad off this planet in record time! Some groups and individuals are simply fed up with business as usual. For them, they are tired of parasites -- people who eat off of others hard work. I can agree with that point to a certain extent. But what I can't go along with is the tampering of one's belief system in a God who has brought so many peace in both their personal and professional lives. Maybe this is really why the elite is working so hard to get their agendas fulfilled, they are tired of God and everything related to him.

Each day many rich, evil elderly men and women are dying. Why would they care about you or me? I think they know that hell waits for them (they have seen the visions, had the dreams) so why not recruit some people to go down with them?

Nicholl McGuire

Glassesshop.com, Inc.
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